Spotlight on Westminster Chimes Chapter
Welcome to the Westminster Chimes Chapter: we invite ladies of British and Commonwealth birth or ancestry, or who have significant others of the same heritage, to join our chapter. Our 18 members are residents of Huntington Beach and Irvine,
We meet the 4th Friday of each month at lunchtime in members’ homes. We have a short business meeting followed by light refreshments and time to socialize.
80% of our fundraising efforts are donated to the Western British Home located in Sierra Madre and we always host a booth at the June Faire, held on the lawn of the British Home. Other local fundraisers include a movie night, quiz night, St. Patrick’s Day party and a barbecue.
We allot 20% of our fundraising to our community outreach and support a local home for runaway teenagers and they are most grateful for our assistance. We make 80 shoeboxes of personal items to be distributed to the boys and girls for Christmas gifts.
We have adopted a ‘special friend’ at the British Home and enjoy sending cards on a regular basis.
To learn more about us, just go to the contact section of this website, mention Westminster Chimes Chapter in the comments/questions field in the form and we will be in touch.