Carole Thomas, our State President

Carole Thomas

Carole Thomas

Welcome to our updated website! Your California, Inc. Board is a group of dedicated ladies who work to promote our organization and keep it vibrant.

Times are changing, and many organizations are failing due to various reasons. When DBE was first established, ladies did not work outside of the home and they had more time to spend on social events. Nowadays, we are all busy, many of us working, but we still have the need for the camaraderie of our fellow countrymen and those who love the British Commonwealth. For this reason, I encourage anyone interested in meeting socially with ladies and to help fundraise for the good of the Cause, to join us. You will find we are a fun group who will welcome you to join in planning and hosting our fundraising events, at the same time making friends with common interests.

Our organization not only promotes its primary goal of supporting the British Home in Sierra Madre, but works locally to support particular 501(c)3 charities that are closer to where we live.

We have an interesting website and are on Facebook where we are attracting many new faces. Please check out our website and maybe listen to some of our podcasts and learn about our organization. We are happy to provide membership information. All you need to do is contact us and we will respond quickly.  Again, welcome to the DBE!