
Grenadier Chapter’s Christmas Party


Queen Alexandra 8th Annual 'Best of British' Tea

2021 The British Home Fourth of July Parade in Sierra Madre

Residents & Staff from the British Home love their Parade!

The US Army picked up some beauties at the July Parade

Queen Alexandra Chapter Regent installs new member Rikki K.

Queen Alexandra Chapter Regent installs new member Rikki K.

Here comes George the medic all set up, flag and all.

Sierra Madre may be a small community but they make great parades.

Our British Home residents love this particular outing and as Donna mentions in her report the Home has several residents who are veterans and participated this year.


Sir Walter Raleigh enjoying their lunch after their chapter meeting.

Queen Alexandra chapter’s first meeting back after Covid. We were so pleased to install a new member

Westminster Chimes Chapter’s St. George’s Day Luncheon Fundraiser.

Queen Alexandra Chapter invited members, friends and neighbors to join us on a special Savers fundraising ‘Spring Cleaning’ project and ended up collecting 143 very heavy bags of soft goods weighing in at 2,856 lbs.  

Kensington Palace Chapter held their own June Faire/Recruitment Drive this year and it was a great success as everybody wanted to socialize outdoors for the first time in many months.

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British Commonwealth Chapter members enjoyed their Zoom meetings but look forward to meeting in person.


Westminster Chimes Chapter members enjoying their first in-person gathering since the pandemic.

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Grenadier Chapter members holding their first meeting outdoors on the patio, followed by a delicious tea and great conversation.

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Maple Leaf Chapter members enjoying their first in-person meeting.

Prince Andrew Chapter celebrated the 105th birthday celebration of one of their members with a Drive By parade.  The day was perfect and a fun time was had by all.

Sadlers Wells Chapter enjoyed catching up on their monthly Zoom meeting with 5 ladies.  Carole with the yellow daffodils was calling in from England at 10:00 p.m. her time. Following the meeting they had fun with an Ultimate England T…

Sadlers Wells Chapter enjoyed catching up on their monthly Zoom meeting with 5 ladies.  Carole with the yellow daffodils was calling in from England at 10:00 p.m. her time. Following the meeting they had fun with an Ultimate England Trivia Quiz and Carole won answering 13 of the 20 questions.  Congratulations Carole.

Congratulations to Grenadier Chapter who recently installed a new member.  It was great to be in the great outdoors again.

Sir Walter Raleigh Chapter members celebrating DBE Founders Day at Anthony’s Fish Grotto in La Mesa , CA


Sir Walter Raleigh Chapter members were thrilled to welcome two new members at their recent chapter meeting. Congratulation Ladies!

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Sadlers Wells Chapter members enjoyed a wonderful in-person meeting at the park and had so much fun catching up.


Westminster Chimes Chapter members celebrating St. Patrick’s Day by holding a Zoom Quiz Night.

Court of St. James Chapter members were finally able to honor the life of member Shirley Morton who passed in 2019. Chapter members had to wait until they were able to meet in person to celebrate Shirley’s life and honor her work for DBE.