Spotlight on Grenadier Chapter
The members of Grenadier Chapter invite ladies of British and Commonwealth birth or ancestry, or who have significant others of the same heritage, to visit our chapter. Our eight busy members are residents of La Jolla, Ramona, San Diego and Spring Valley and we welcome residents of surrounding areas to join us.
We meet the 1st Saturday of the month at 10:30am in members’ homes. We have a short business meeting and two members volunteer each month to provide sandwiches and desserts for lunch, with plenty of time to socialize and share our latest news.
80% of our fundraising efforts are donated to the Western British Home located in Sierra Madre and we hold several fundraisers, including garage sales and BBQs.
Our local charity is Rachel’s House Women’s’ Center, that provides love and dignity to women and children of all ages and backgrounds. We also collect in kind donations for them, such as clothes, toiletries and cleaning supplies.
We have a couple of ‘Special Friends’ at the British Home and keep in contact with cards and notes between our Home visits.
Our social activities include a July picnic in Kate Session Park and a festive Christmas dinner where we get together with family members, previous members and friends.
To learn more about us, just go to the contact section of this website, mention Grenadier Chapter in the comments/questions field in the form and we will be in touch.